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HomeObserver Corps

Observer Corps

League observer corps volunteers provide independent oversight of various governmental entities.

•  Observer Corps
•  Why Observe?
•  Observing Your Government in Action
•  Customized Observer Corps Reporting Forms
•  Find Out More About Observer Corps Reporting

Observer Corps

This is a new initiative with the goal of having a League representative present at the meetings of local governmental bodies, both to observe the actions taken at the meeting and to report on the issues considered at the meeting. These reports will help the League to track the current important issues in Hays County and our surrounding communities, and to incorporate that knowledge into the content of the Voters Guide and the Candidate Forums.

Most all governmental meetings are held online, so this volunteer role can be done fully from home. Of primary interest are City Council Meetings, County Commissioner Meetings, and ISD meetings, but if you have an interest in following any other governmental groups, we would be happy to work with you on that goal.
Observer Corps Mavens-LWV Superstar League 2022

Why Observe?

The first reason for observing public meetings is to watch their general operations. What issues are being discussed and how is the meeting being conducted? Does the agency comply with the open meeting laws?

The second reason for observing public meetings is to watch for issues on which the League should be taking action - speaking out. If an item that is being discussed is related to one of our positions then include that in your report. We'll look into it and see whether it's something that the League should be speaking out on.

Finally, and maybe most importantly, observing makes a statement that the community is watching the process of government. The League observer is the representative of the public at these meetings.

Observing Your Government in Action

From the League of Women Voters Education Fund

“Protecting our right to know is integral to the health of our democracy. Decisions that determine how our schools will be run, at what level community safety programs will be funded, and how land in our towns will be used to impact our lives and are vital to our well-being. These kinds of decisions need to be made with public input and oversight. One important way to ensure that is to observe government meetings. The League has been a champion of government transparency since our founding in 1920. It is one of our core principles and a vital part of our mission. Our efforts in this area reinforce our reputation of fairness, nonpartisanship, and trust. League members attend governmental meetings to learn what their government is doing and to monitor whether those meetings are conducted in an open and transparent way. Experience has shown the importance of the League being present to watch—and to take action when necessary.”

Observing Your Government in Action: Protecting Your Right to Know

Find Out More About Observer Corps Reporting

Click on the button below to find out more. (Make sure you are logged in first.)

Observer Corps Reporting

Members who would like to join the Observer Corps to observe and report, may do so at  Then go to the Observer Corps Volunteering Opportunities button below. Remember to log in first. If you don't remember how, just contact VP of Membership, Laurie ODonnell, at She can help you, including with a password reset.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Observer Corps Events

Sign Up for an Observer Corps Volunteer Opportunity

Click on the button below to check out various volunteering opportunities with the LWV of Hays County's Observer Corps.
Make sure you are logged in as a member first, then click the button to find Observer Corps Volunteering Opportunities.

The Observer Corps is limited to LWV members.
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