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If your registration cannot be found or you did not bring an acceptable form of ID, you may cast a provisional vote by filling out an affidavit and a paper ballot. This ballot is kept separate from the regular ballots, and the case will be reviewed by the provisional voting ballot board. The ballot will be counted only if the voter is determined to be a registered voter in that county. Provisional voters will receive a notice in the mail by the tenth day after the local canvass advising them if their provisional ballots were counted and, if they were not counted, the reason why.
The Hays County League of Women Voters is collaborating with the Texas Civil Rights Project and other groups on election protection. To meet the needs of Texas voters who speak a variety of different languages, Election Protection Hotlines are available in a number of languages.
The League of Women Voters of Texas and the League of Women Voters of Hays County fight for your right to vote!
The Texas Civil Rights Project is one of several nonprofits that the League of Women Voters of Texas works closely with to protect voters' rights. In coordination with the League of Women Voters of Hays County, they played a key role in convincing the Hays County Commissioner's Court to open additional polling locations and extend the number of days and hours of voting at Texas State University during the 2018 midterm elections.
Ask about getting a ballot by mail by emailing